Aarhus University Seal

Innovative assessment

Innovative assessment methods are here described as methods that are rarely used at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Aarhus University. You find more information below the table and in the description of final practical assessment.

As we are very interested in exploring your experiences, ideas and knowledge about innovative assessments. Please contact Annika B. Lindberg and Ole E. Bjælde with your information about innovative assessment methods used within the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Technical Sciences.

Methods of assessment
How to practice during the module


Students show a collection of products produced during the module (e.g. assignments, video, photos, ‘things’)

Collection of theoretical and/or practical assignments during module

Can present a wide-ranging evidence of achievements

Can be shown to prospective employers

Correction criteria can be difficult to develop if portfolio consist of wide-ranging evidence

Can take long time to assess

A portfolio is a selection of assignments and/or products produced during the module. As such this assessment method is practised per default

Case study

Based on available material the students have to take a decision


Based on "real-world" scenarios

Difficult to make all cases of the same difficulty

Takes time to design and assess

Case-based teaching providing practise and feedback

Innovative computer-based assessment

Wide range of question types (matching, drop down, drag and drop, hot spot etc.)

Can use multimodal questions; e.g. videos, graphs, drop-down, matching etc. to make questions relevant to students

Can be used to gamify assessment

Requires expertise in question design and technology

Advanced question types in Blackboard/LMS

Online tools with gamification elements e.g. PeerWise, Kahoot!, etc.

Objective structured practical/clinical exam

Individual students are tested at several ‘stations’ for 5-15 minutes

Testing multiple practical/clinical skills quickly

Can test high-level skills in authentic context (interpreting analysis, decision based on available information, making diagnosis etc.)

Limited use outside medical and clinical education

Can be a costly and a logistic challenge

Time-consuming to design the ‘stations’

Practical/clinical work practiced during module 


Students display a product (e.g. engineering model, software program, video, drawings etc.)


Can be shown to potential employers

The artefacts or photos can be stored to help future students

Difficult to assess if multiple assessors are used

Specific assessment criteria needed

The artefact is often produced during the module

Reflection exercises